Now this is something more interesting and exiting thing for IOS and Android user. Have you ever thought about that you can transfer money just by using Mobile No Yes That’s right just Mobile No.
Wow, Really Awesome!!! 🙂
The general money transfer process is to add Beneficiary account then the bank will verify that account and then that account will be available to transfer money.
But Chillr App changes this whole money transfer process. Chillr works with all banks that have IMPS enabled. Chiller removes all that hectic procedure of login to your Net Banking or Mobile Banking.
How Chillr Works?
If you want to transfer money to anyone, that person should have Chillr enable on the device.
Simple procedure to activate Chillr on your device if you have an HDFC bank account, then you have a special advantage. And you can use this app with other banks also.
You need to generate MMID by using the Net Banking or Mobile Banking after generating MMID you are now ready to receive money, but you can’t send money without generating M-PIN.
To generate M-PIN, you need to place requests to your bank to generate M-PIN for you then M-PIN will be available to you in the next 48 hours or depending banks procedure.
Ones PIN is available you need to reset that PIN and then you can simply transfer money to anyone in your contact list.
Soon, You’ll able to recharge your mobile or DTH through Chillr.

Now Safety about Chillr?
It’s Safe every transaction is done using M-PIN and its only known to the user. So if you don’t share your PIN to anyone 50% of your security is achieved. All the transaction occurs between chillr and the bank happens in a secure channel HTTPS.
But just in case if change your mobile which is registered with the bank you need to update your new phone number with the bank so you can get all the transaction SMS. But now you need to generate new MMID.
Chillr Money Transfer has been Always Free for the regular users, receiving up to 10 transaction is free. For Business user Chillr will launch Merchant app.
A bank which is integrated with Chillr have been referred to as ‘Chillr Partner Banks’.
If User is connected to Chiller using the Partner Bank account, then users will able to use the all set of features provided by Chillr App
This app is widely used with Android and IOS users and soon will be launched with windows operating system.
Now you enjoy! Hassle free Money Transfer with “Chiller Money Transfer APP”
For More Refference Use:-
HDFC BANK:- http://www.hdfcbank.com/htdocs/common/MobileBanking/chillr-app/index.htm
Official Site:- https://www.chillr.in