What Is A Domain Name?

Domain Name is popular concept in today’s market. Now a day’s most of small and big organizations have their own unique domain name. But what actually domain name is?
Domain Name
When you have been surfing the web, you must heard about word “URL” these URL is use to access the web pages over the Internet.
URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet.
When we talk about URL it consist of Three major parts
First Part :-
Protocol It may be HTTP or HTTPS or FTP these are most commonly used.
HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol
Second Part :-
The actual domain Name www.example.com
This Domain Name is always unique.
Third Part :-
The suffix next to the Domain Name “.com”
This may vary according to the nature of the organization.
For Example :-
- .gov– Government agencies
- .In – For Indian websites
- .edu– Educational institutions
- .org– Organizations (nonprofit)
- .com – For Commercial websites
How To Buy The Domain Name
Now a day’s it’s very easy to purchase the domain name of your choice, if it’s not already purchased by any one else. Simply go to the Hosting Provider’s site like in.godaddy.com, bigrock.in, hostgator.in
These big hosting providers allow you to type domain name of your choice and they will show you all the available extension or suffix .

If your expected domain name is available then just proceed with their purchase option after the completion of the payment process they will send your domain name detail to your registered mail Id with them it may take 24 hours to activate your domain name.
The International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the organization that authorizes registrars to issue or assign domain names to public.
Point’s To remember while registering your domain name
- Don’t make spelling mistake while registering your very own domain name otherwise be prepared to lose traffic.
- Keep your domain name short.
- Don’t use special characters in domain name like $, #, !, @ etc.